Amsterdam’s Museums. Exkursion

KulturAgenda – Institut für Museen, Kulturwirtschaft und Publikum – veranstaltet im Herbst eine Exkursion unter dem Motto Amsterdam’s Museums. A Transformation with Impact zu den Museen in Amsterdam. Auf dem Programm stehen neben dem kürzlich renovierten Rijksmuseum das Stedelijk Museum, das Van Gogh Museum, das Amsterdam Museum und andere.

Datum: 28.–31. Oktober 2015
Preis: € 250,00,  Frühbucherpreis: € 220,00 (buchbar bis 15.September 2015)
Teilnehmerzahl: max. 20
Sprache: Englisch, tw. Übersetzung auf Deutsch

The main objectives of this excursion are to explore the dynamics of the major museum players in Amsterdam, discuss with responsible staff the deeper implications of the renewal process, financial aspects, programming, different governing models and how these museums operate successfully and link with their local communities and the wider public.
We also want to learn more about the small and large consequences of their renewal process, what impact this had and has on organisational culture and resilience and discuss the initial impact and change to the visitor experience.

Who should participate?
Museum professionals throughout Europe who have a specific interest in museums renewal and innovative museology

This programme is offered in cooperation with the Reinwardt Akademie and the Stedelijk Museum.


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